
Color stained plywood laser cut and engraved by KurblinkEngraved and cut plywood


Depending on its quality, plywood cuts nicely up to 3/4" thick.  Some of the qualities that affect cutting are the species, glues, and the amount of voids within the layers.  The thinner the sheets, the less charring will result.  Charring is often minimized with proper power and assist air.     


Most plywood raster engraves very nicely.  The depth can be controlled with power and speed.  Usually a light engrave is desired to prevent penetrating through the top ply and into the next.  This is especially important if the sheet has an MDF core.  Experimentation on a scrap section of material is often necessary.  


Scoring and vector engraving plywood is good for fine lines.  This is especially useful if simply marking points with a crosshair or quickly engraving text which isn't considered cosmetic. 




Max thickness : about 3/4"   
Min thickness : N/A 


Maximum Part Size
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